Max has been surprising us this year. I guess he has felt the elf pressure to not only
remember to hide somewhere different every day, but to hide somewhere creative--even funny--with props much of the time. Wow. What an over-achieving elf! I kinda miss when Max just hid on shelves and in stockings and that was good enough. Max has obviously spent some time on Pinterest to see the outstanding things his elf friends are doing. And he's apparently been talking to his elf friends, who stay with our friends, and do super awesome and amazing things every day. So as not to let the girls down, Max has been really going above and beyond last year's "norm."
What's even more surprising than that, however, is how much Drew is into Max this year. Every morning he comes down and points to where Max was the day before. Then he shrugs up his little shoulder and says, "ahh-ahh?" which means, "Where's Max?" When we find him, he runs to him, laughs, and points his finger. Then we like to ask Drew all day where Max is just so we can see him run, laugh, and point.
It's almost as much fun as seeing what new things Max will do.