Thursday, October 31, 2013

halloween in '13

Another fun Halloween season.  
We found ourselves doing things from Halloween pasts, and yet changing things up a bit, too.

Same-o Same-o
Drew was a railroad conductor, reminding us of Jake many years ago.

Steve was Napoleon Dynamite, reminding us of many a past Halloween.

I went in Five Guys employee garb,
reminding us of a previous costume from a Burger place.

Emmy went as a butterfly,
reminding us of Ali a couple years ago.

Jake, once again, decided that less was more as far as a costume.  
At least this year he added some green to his hair.

And of course, the traditional candy sort!

New this Halloween...
Ali created her own costume and character:

One thing we really missed doing this year was the Pumpkin Push, which has become a fun family tradition.  However this year, our soccer schedule would not allow it  (sniff sniff).

I baked like it was Christmas, thanks to a couple fun Halloween parties.

Jake dressed up for school in Steve's treasured costume.  He even took it a step further and said he bought tater tots for lunch and stuffed them in his pockets!!

It was Drew's first time trick or treating and he loved it.

We decorated our house like we've never done before.

However we do things, one thing is always the same...
We LOVE Halloween!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

'Twas three nights before

'Twas three nights before Halloween
When we luckily found:
All of our carving tools
Lying around.

For 3 big fat pumpkins
Were ready to be
Designed and carved
By the Hoopes oldest three.

Little Drew didn't have one--
(He was tucked in bed)
"He's happier sleeping,"
Is what mom said.

So merrily the others
Began to imagine
What they would carve
In their big, fat, orange pumpkin.

Emmy came first,
Because she did know
She wanted a cute face
Complete with a bow.

She had been planning
and thinking for days,
She loves Halloween
in so many ways.

Ali kept reading,
With no pause to plan
Her pumpkin's fate
Which was in her left hand!

But finally she began;
Her face just as cute,
With a nice big smile
And eyelashes to boot!

Then Jake went to work
designing a face.
He needed some paper
and a good working space.

He couldn't decide
(he can be picky),
but then carved a swoosh
from the famous brand, Nike.

Steve was so nice
And patiently did
All the requests
That everyone said.

Mom, she just watched
(ew yuck! guts are gross)
And took all the pictures
of those she loves most!

The pumpkins are carved
So in twenty-13
We are all ready

Sunday, October 27, 2013

on a mission part 2

This picture is from a 2010 blog post entitled, "On a mission."  We didn't know then that there would ever be a part 2, so we never distinguished said post as part 1.

Now 3 years later, I am writing about "On a mission part 2" because...
my parents are starting another 3 years at the Columbia River Temple, this time as Temple President and Matron.  Their last official day as being a Counselor is October 30.  Then they will begin the next three years on Halloween.  What will the next three years bring?  We will have to wait and find out, but let's just say we are happy we will have our first teenager when they're serving (we are counting on those extra blessings).  Here's to the next 3 years! 

Sunday, October 13, 2013


 Nursery survivor:
No more hall church for this guy (or his parents).  
2/3 fewer snacks in the bag and 
no more excuses.  
We will really miss you, Drew.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Ali got glasses and she is so excited about it!  They, of course, help her see better (especially those darn far away things), but more importantly they're cute and a super hip accessory.  With her ears pierced, her rainbow loom mastered, and now these specs--this girl is accessorized to the max!  As evident in the picture, Emmy thinks her big sister is all that.  And she's right.  Ali is one sharp-looking, sharp-seeing girl.
The glasses in action

Monday, October 7, 2013

our hero

This is my 10 year old nephew, Luke.  Last Tuesday night he outsmarted and outran a would-be kidnapper.  To say that we are grateful Luke is safe is about the biggest understatement there is.  We have always known Luke is awesome, but after his courage and bravery, he is our hero.

In the words of my brother, Greg:

Last night around 6:00 PM,  Luke was riding around on his scooter.  Beckie told him to be home in 10 minutes for dinner.  The time came and went and Luke still wasn't home.  Beckie just assumed he'd lost track of time.  As more time passed, Beckie got nervous and went out to try and find him.  I got home around 6:40 PM and Cate told me that Luke was missing and that Beckie was out looking for him.  I immediately got back in my car and started driving around the neighborhood.  
At around 7:10 PM, Beckie saw Luke walking along our fence carrying his scooter and helmet.  When she pulled up he was sobbing and shaking, saying he was sorry he hadn't come home sooner but that "a man had scared him" so he'd been hiding.

Once we got him inside and made sure he was OK, he told us that as he was riding his scooter (probably no more than 100 feet from our house) a guy in a dark car pulled over to the side of the road.  This guy got out of his car, smiled at Luke and asked Luke if he would help him find his dog.  Luke didn't say anything.  Luke said the stranger then got angry and said, "Get in the car now!"  At that point Luke got on his scooter and started riding as fast as he could away from the stranger (which, unfortunately, was in the opposite direction of our house). 

Luke said the stranger started chasing after him and shouted (according to Luke), "get your (swear word) back here or I am going to beat the (swear word) out of you."  

Luke continued to ride his scooter away from the stranger and then circled back toward our house down a different street.  However, instead of riding back to the house, Luke rode right past the house to the spot where the stranger had initially approached him.  (He later told us that he didn't want to go back home in case the stranger was still following him.  He thought that once the stranger found out where he lived, he might break in and hurt the rest of his family.)  

Luke jumped off his scooter, folded it up and hid in some bushes near the road.  After he had been hiding for about 30-45 minutes, and as it started to get dark, Luke decided it was safe to walk home.  It was at that point that Beckie saw him walking down the road.     
What all that doesn't say is the terror my brother and sister-in-law felt for an hour, not knowing where their son was.  It doesn't mention the phone calls my brother made to family for help and prayers when they couldn't find Luke anywhere.  It doesn't say that the other children were at home, in tears, knowing their brother was missing.  My brother didn't go into details here about thoughts racing through his mind as they called Luke's name and there was no answer.  It doesn't explain that it was getting dark and then what?  It doesn't describe the tears and relief that came when they saw Luke again and knew that he was okay. 

This is my worst nightmare--one of my children being taken away by a stranger.  Luke had been taught that adults NEVER need help from kids.  As he quickly contemplated how to handle the situation, he knew the best thing to do was get away.  He said Heavenly Father helped him ride really fast without crashing.  We believe in prayers, angels, and miracles and credit those to Luke's safe return home. 
Jake and Luke, Colorado August 2013

News link:

Thursday, October 3, 2013


18 months, a year and a half, 72 weeks, 504 days...however you put it, Drew is growing up.  He's adorable, he's smart, and he's 4th in line.  Naturally, he is influenced by those older siblings who adore him, but even before we could teach him anything, there were definite signs that he belonged.  This kid is in the right place.
 Look at those 2 sets of cuddly cheeks.  And those lips...just like his big brother's.

 Drew loves his blankie just like Ali.

 Drew and Jake here, both zonked out in jackets in their carseats.

Yep, curly hair like the rest of 'em.

Drew and Emmy both loved their same bouncy chair.

Playing in the dishwasher--a family favorite.

A ball has brought so much happiness to both boys.

 Homemade jambas--both Emmy and Drew have been fans.

And then there's McDonald's...another favorite of Emmy and Drew.
 The same "I'm learning to walk" stance from the boys.

Drew and Ali sharing a similar love again--this time in rain boots.

 A baseball cap on wheels.  Two peas in a pod.

 Building towers also seems to run in the family.  Apparently with soup cans.

All have tolerated a protective sun hat--those born in the Sunshine State better than those born in the Evergreen State.

What comes around goes around...Emmy and Drew pushing big sisters on the car.

So as I was saying...
One of these kids is just like the other...

Tell me which one totally belongs.