Friday, February 28, 2014


As busy as Drew is, sometimes he's just chillin'.


At least for a few moments.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Jake does some pretty amazing things.
Like recently, he won a Fear Factory eating competition at a ward activity.  Well, he tied with 4 year old Sarah Jane.  He ate chicken feet, chicken heart, and pig feet--just to name a few.  As in he chewed them up and SWALLOWED them!!!  
Every Friday he and a bunch of friends get pizza after school and then play football, baseball, or basketball until it gets too dark or too wet--depending on the day.
He is currently on 3 basketball teams:  Parks and Rec, PCMS (he made it after 3 days of try-outs!), and the Deacon's team which usually plays 4 on 4 after Jake brings his friend, Kaleb.  And BASEBALL starts next week!
Jake is really becoming a great pianist (even though he doesn't like it), does well in school, loves every Scout campout he goes on, can't find enough books to read, and is currently writing a book with his cousin.
This is one amazing teenager.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Siblings will be siblings.  And yes there is some teasing, chasing, tasering, tackling, eye-rolling etc., but there are also moments like these:
 Moments of true love.

Monday, February 17, 2014

my grandpa...

has a truck.
And he knows how to drive it.
He takes us with him around the block.
Oh yeah.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


100 days of bus rides, making new friends, picking out her own snacks to pack, learning to read, and apparently--being a missionary.  She tells me that she invites her friends to church and reminds them not to drink hot drinks or say "Oh my you know what."  She is 100% adorable (and bold)!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

5:54 p.m.

I love this time of day. 
I know it can be kind-of chaotic, but I love that everyone is in the same room(s) together, working or playing, or in Drew's case chillin' in front of the t.v. 
 Most of the hard stuff is done by now, and the running around everywhere is almost over.
 Plus, we know that Steve will be home very soon.    
These kind of moments make me happy.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

victory parade

21 degrees
 3 hours of waiting
700,000+ fans 
 Yep.  We were there.
Cheers to being a part of history.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

superbowl sunday

What a sweet day! Because it was the Sabbath, we kinda tried to mix the Seahawks in with our Sunday stuff.
For example, to start the day, Jake thought we were sustaining "Russell M. Wilson" (Seahawks QB) at Stake Conference instead of Russell M. Nelson.   
We were reminded of Mosiah 7:18 as we talked about being part of "12saquah," renamed for Superbowl Sunday, and the excitement of being part of the 12th man:
photo cred: Andrea Hutchison
     "And the Lord called his people Zion because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness..."
photo cred: Lisa Reising
We had family over to eat dinner and yummy snacks.  There was a blessing on the food and the Seahawks.

Drew was putting all of his emphasis on the olives, reminding us of the important Scriptural meanings behind them.

Jake made sure to keep it a day of rest, as well as the big(ger) boys.

We thought of John 13:34 as we got to spend the whole afternoon and evening with family:
   "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you,  that ye also love one another."
At the end of the day, Ali prayed that Richard Sherman could feel better quickly, and I washed all of the Seahawks gear so we could be ready for Superbowl Victory Monday. 
Oh, the JOY of a Seahawks Sabbath.