What a wonderful life!
Marné Whitaker Tuttle, or GraMarné
as we called her, lived until she was 93 years old, (27 years without
her husband), and loved and cared about all 7 of her children, their
spouses, 46 grandchildren and 68 (and counting) great-grandchildren.
Steve and I got to go to Salt Lake City for
the day to attend her funeral. It was such a good day. We saw immediate
family, extended family, and friends. I took around the program with
me the entire day and tried to put names with faces and get to know them
a little bit more. Steve has SO many cousins!! It was so fun.
Steve and some of his brothers
I got to meet Ryan Griffin |
We got to read about
Grandpa Tuttle at the cemetery, and we spent more sweet moments with
aunts, uncles, cousins, and on down the line.
spent most of the afternoon with family just talking and going through
Grandma's things. Being with family is a powerful thing. I really want
my kids to know that they are surrounded and loved by so many good
people. With that many second cousins, they are bound to run into each
other somewhere, and it will be so fun when they make that connection.
We ended the day by stopping at Cafe Río
for some dinner and headed back to the airport in the black bug that
was ours for the day. We were so thankful we could be there to
celebrate Grandma's life. We will be doing great if we can follow in
her footsteps.