Friday, March 28, 2014

Instagram catchup

Moments I want to remember:
 The master of pots and pans (9/13)

 Date night (10/13)

 I turned to see where Emmy was... (10/13)

Hunting for box tops (10/13)

Poor Drew  (11/13)

 Anything works (2/14)

 A morning bikeride (2/14)

 Young love (3/14)

This is where we live (3/14)

Watching from the window (3/14)

Monday, March 24, 2014


Emmy got a Furby Boom for Valentine's Day and named her Ah-doo.  In Furbish it means Cotton Candy.  It seems, however, that Drew is the one who is truly in love.
 noo-lah (friend)
loo-lay (play)
 may-lah (hug)
may-may (love)

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Baseball has begun.
After being walked his first time at bat, Jake smacked a double to center field the next chance he got.
Nothing like hearing the sound of the ball hit the end of the bat!
We love baseball!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

the lion king

Finally!  Their big Christmas present redeemed!  They weren't very excited about it on Christmas morning when they opened the tickets, but it turned out to be a fun night and a great gift, just like their parents thought. ;)
We grabbed some yummy burgers and shakes at Lil' Woody's before the show, and then walked down the street to the Paramount Theater.
The kids thought the theater was pretty amazing.  Fun show, impressive costumes, great music--it was a memorable night for the family.  Drew had a great time at home with the babysitter and was sound asleep before the show started.
 We will make it up to you, Drew.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


What a wonderful life!
Marné Whitaker Tuttle, or GraMarné as we called her, lived until she was 93 years old, (27 years without her husband), and loved and cared about all 7 of her children, their spouses,  46 grandchildren and 68 (and counting) great-grandchildren.

Steve and I got to go to Salt Lake City for the day to attend her funeral.  It was such a good day. We saw immediate family, extended family, and friends.  I took around the program with me the entire day and tried to put names with faces and get to know them a little bit more.  Steve has SO many cousins!! It was so fun.
Steve and some of his brothers
I got to meet Ryan Griffin
We got to read about Grandpa Tuttle at the cemetery, and we spent more sweet moments with aunts, uncles, cousins, and on down the line.
We spent most of the afternoon with family just talking and going through Grandma's things.  Being with family is a powerful thing.  I really want my kids to know that they are surrounded and loved by so many good people. With that many second cousins, they are bound to run into each other somewhere, and it will be so fun when they make that connection.
We ended the day by stopping at Cafe Río for some dinner and headed back to the airport in the black bug that was ours for the day.  We were so thankful we could be there to celebrate Grandma's life.  We will be doing great if we can follow in her footsteps.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

what's new

We did it!!  There is hardwood in the dining room!!
Come on over!  Eat and spill your food and drink all over our floor.  See if we care!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Rejoice!  The book is here!
Our blog that sums up our year.
Pictures and posts and memories are right here!
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice! Again, I say rejoice!
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice! Again, I say REJOICE!