"I'm so tired I can't really remember anything. My brain is washed out. I think it's because of the long summer thing, but I just need to get used to this." --Emmy
That pretty much sums it up. First day of school and blah blah blah. We want our summer back! Nevertheless, we said good-bye to the carefree days of summer and said hello to schedules, early mornings, homework, and sack lunches.
8th grade, Pacific Cascade Middle School
WEB leader (Where Everyone Belongs)
1st year of Spanish (¡Què bien!)
Last year of middle school.
Last year of no seminary.
4th grade, Grand Ridge Elementary
Ms. Luci, Rm. 166
1st time with a sibling at same school in 3 years.
Wishes she could be Emmy's reading buddy (at school).
"Reading with her at home is just different, mom."
1st grade, Grand Ridge Elementary
Mrs. Hawkes, Rm. 142
1st time packing a lunch and eating at school!
1st year at Grand Ridge.
No more holidays and treats and parties.
(We'll miss you, Endeavour!)