We love listening to Drew. He says the cutest things. They seem like regular ol' phrases until they are said in his sweet little two year old voice.
He has his opinions and shares them:
I don't like it.
This is so awesome.
I love that.
That's my favorite.
He also is very easy to bargain with. His response when we can't go to the park or Costco is:
Maybe next time.
When it's time to go to bed, he says:
Five more minutes.
However, sometimes he puts up more of a fight with:
I really want to!
If he notices that I'm upset he says:
Mommy be happy.
When he's upset:
I crying.
I trying to be happy.
Because he climbs on, scales up, jumps from, or swings on just about anything, he often says:
Nice catch!
when he prevents himself from falling.
When we drive places he likes to know:
Me get out?
Where else we going?
And he points out familiar landmarks:
That's Clay's house.
There's Fred Meyer.
When he needs to apologize he says:
Sorry about that.
When we apologize to him he says:
That's otay.
This Christmas season, he loves to sing:
Jingle Bells
And he loves to say
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!
We pretty much think he's brilliant. And adorable.
He is a-drew-ably brilliant.