24 hours
6 people
300 possible challenges
128 completed
4 hours of sleep
12 kids added on
1 unforgettable weekend
Enjoy the sunrise, go down a slide at the park, pose near your favorite statue at Olympic Sculpture Park, run a mile on a trail, cross a county line
show your 12th man at century link, visit a waterfall, get your picture taken with a llama, get as comfortable with the gum wall as you dare, apply a Cotopaxi bumper sticker
pick up 10 pieces of trash along a hiking trail, visit the Fremont Troll, eat something you can't pronounce, stuff the entire team in a phone booth, donate first aid supplies
tie a square knot, tie a bowline knot, visit a museum, attend a school function, hike the Coal Creek trail
find a wedding party and get your picture taken with the bride & groom, take a picture with a professional athlete (Will Tukuafu), give service at an animal shelter, visit an old mine, go on a mountain bike ride,
donate to the food bank, swap shoelaces with someone else, fit 3 people in a sleeping bag, make a human W
pet an animal at the shelter, visit a historic Main Street, cook a foil dinner, do the splits, take a picture of wildlife
build a blanket fort, share a s'more with someone not on your team, plant a flower, share the best photo of where you ended up (home)
We ended up getting second place (#shootinghoopes) and our picture showed up in their email (#bonus)!
$250 for each team member to spend at Cotopaxi.
(Steve and Jake both have new backpacks)
Definitely a reason to celebrate!