Sunday, May 31, 2015

blog mush

 "Ding" as Drew would say when he finds things that match.
 Travis thinks we're doing him a favor by letting him use the garage, but really it's the other way around.
 Our backyard gets bigger as the kids get older.
 Love finding these kind of selfies on our phones.
After 2 days of being sick and laying around, Emmy's bed head was somethin' else!!
A quiet night at home. ;)
Bailey & Shane got married!
He wasn't falling asleep, but I had to love his line-up.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Our favorite Seahawk

7 Reasons why Will Tukuafu is our favorite Seahawk.
1) He told Jake and Ali to keep up with the piano (and then he played some songs for us).

2) He empathized with Emmy and asked what hair products she uses.

3) He played catch with Ali in the backyard.

4) He hangs out with the Teachers Quorum at church.

5) He served a mission! (Jamaica Kingston)

6) He helped us in Questival!

7) He comes to our ward and has given 2 awesome firesides in the area.
A unique Hawk for sure.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


24 hours
6 people
300 possible challenges
128 completed
4 hours of sleep
12 kids added on
1 unforgettable weekend
 Enjoy the sunrise, go down a slide at the park, pose near your favorite statue at Olympic Sculpture Park, run a mile on a trail, cross a county line
 show your 12th man at century link, visit a waterfall, get your picture taken with a llama, get as comfortable with the gum wall as you dare, apply a Cotopaxi bumper sticker
 pick up 10 pieces of trash along a hiking trail, visit the Fremont Troll, eat something you can't pronounce, stuff the entire team in a phone booth, donate first aid supplies
 tie a square knot, tie a bowline knot, visit a museum, attend a school function, hike the Coal Creek trail
find a wedding party and get your picture taken with the bride & groom, take a picture with a professional athlete (Will Tukuafu), give service at an animal shelter, visit an old mine, go on a mountain bike ride, 
 donate to the food bank, swap shoelaces with someone else, fit 3 people in a sleeping bag, make a human W
pet an animal at the shelter, visit a historic Main Street, cook a foil dinner, do the splits, take a picture of wildlife
build a blanket fort, share a s'more with someone not on your team, plant a flower, share the best photo of where you ended up (home)
We ended up getting second place (#shootinghoopes) and our picture showed up in their email (#bonus)!
$250 for each team member to spend at Cotopaxi. 
(Steve and Jake both have new backpacks)
Definitely a reason to celebrate!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

cars & tires

Drew's love of cars & tires continues...
His tire store.

 His lineup.

Traffic, with help from Jake, Ali, and Emmy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


The quest for straight teeth has begun.  Times two.
Jake got his Invisalign yesterday.
Ali got what we call a torture band, but what the orthodontist calls a maxillary expander, today.
It's all about soft foods (like cupcakes and jambas) around here.
Here's to not taking for granted chewing and swallowing--
and good hair!

Monday, May 11, 2015

one week

In one week, Jake...
hit the winning triple with bases loaded, 2 outs and down by 1;
was the first male finisher in our 1st annual Highlands Ward 5k with a time of 24 minutes even;
and tied the school's high jump record of 5'4.
But more important than that, he says "yes" when his little brother asks him to play cars, and his teachers write this kind of stuff about him:   I can honestly say Jake is a young man who aspires to do both what is best and what is right every time, no matter who is looking.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

mother's day

The only thing that rivaled this awesome cake was everyone's amazing attitude while I took their pictures.  
Happy Mother's Day.
"As you create a home, don't get distracted with a lot of things that have no meaning for you or your family.
Don't dwell on your failures, but think of your successes.  
Have joy in your home. Have joy in your children...
Be grateful for the journey.” 
--Marjorie Pay Hinckley