Sunday, November 18, 2012

a special Sunday

Jake was ordained a Deacon today and received the Aaronic Priesthood.  Whoa.  He is going to pass the Sacrament.  Whoa.  We have two Priesthood holders in our home now.  Double Whoa.
Grandma and Grandpa Hoopes flew in for the big day.  They spent the weekend with us and even saw Jake's last soccer game.  Of course, it was the game with the WORST weather!!
Grandma and Grandpa Johnson drove over Sunday morning to be here.  We had so much fun with both grandparents.  They were both serving missions when Jake was born, so they missed his blessing day.
The whole crowd: Us & Jake; Uncles Ben & Dan
  We don't take it for granted when we get them all here with us!
Icing on the cake:  Grandma Diane gave Jake 3 ties of Grandpa Lorenzo's to keep.  He wore one on the big day, in honor of his great-grandpa who he is named after.



  1. So exciting! I am glad we could see him pass the sacrament for the first time! And how special to have 3 of his Grandpa's ties (who he is named after too)! Love that.

  2. Loved passing the Sacrament with my son!
