Wednesday, April 30, 2014

spring soccer

This is Emmy's first year of Spring soccer.  She really wanted to play so I signed her up!  I was totally behind with the sign-ups, but I paid the late fee and they said there was room on the Grand Ridge Kindergarten soccer team.  Woo hoo!!  How lucky were we?
Well, turns out that there is only 1 other Grand Ridge kindergartener playing Spring soccer this year, so she is on a Grand Ridge team with 2 GR girls and the other 4 are from Discovery.  That's okay, though!  It kinda fits in with the rest of her "Grand Ridge" kindergarten experience as she attends Endeavour Elementary for kindergarten and not the school that you can see from our back yard (no room).
Emmy is really into keeping score (which nobody does in kindergarten soccer).  She has scored several goals for her team and can often be heard yelling encouraging things to her teammates like, "Don't let them score!!" or "We have to win!!"

It is hard to sizzle down her enthusiasm, though, because...
this girl is on fire!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

go lions!

Ali has been playing soccer since she was in kindergarten.  
Ali has been playing indoor soccer since the Winter.  We love indoor soccer.  Ali loves indoor soccer!  It never rains, it's always warm, you can use the walls while playing, subbing is fast and easy, the games are short and only on Saturdays, there are NO practices, and there are vending machines and popcorn in the building.  Everybody wins!!
And speaking of winning, last session the Lions went undefeated!!  
Ali is really a great player!  I love watching her fancy footwork.  She has scored some goals, plays tough defense, and has had some sweet assists.
 We know where she gets that from!
(same guy who gave her those beautiful green eyes)

Friday, April 18, 2014

egg huntin'

Today we had an Easter Egg hunt at Central Park with tons of friends!  Emmy loved it.  She quickly found some eggs and played with friends--her last egg hunt like this since she will be in full day school next year.
Drew, on his first official Easter egg hunt, preferred walking along the curb outlining the playground, and playing in the water.  

He did get one egg and ate the kit-kat inside.  He was happy with that.
Next year however, he'll have to bring it home for his siblings who will all be missing out!

Monday, April 14, 2014

spring break!

Spring Break!

We went to the movies, had a Hoopes girls' night at Panera, swam at an awesome indoor pool with friends (Lynnwood pool), went to the zoo with cousins, played at the park, had friends over, went to a movie night, played outside some more, and topped it off with a trip to Leavenworth and some serious yard work over the weekend.

However, I only have proof of the trip to Leavenworth. 
We ate a picnic lunch at the park, ice cream on the streets, and some Bavarian specialities (bratwurst and pretzels) in the town.  When we finished in Leavenworth, we drove to Wenatchee to eat dinner at the famous Cafe Rio before heading home.

Between eating, we got in some great walking on the trails,

some rock-throwing in the water,

you know...just a little bit of this and that.

Our little trip was one of the highs of Spring break!
We can't wait until Summer!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


 Drew is two!

We celebrated tonight with some of his peeps he hangs with.  
They were all pretty excited about it.
We let the families tag along, too.  What a group!

Two year olds are pretty funny!

Drew loved it all.
2 is so fun!!  We love you, Drew!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lynx bball

What the heck is a lynx?
Thank you, Wikipedia

I figured it was in the cat family, but why not be the Wildcats?  Jaguars?  Panthers?  Cougars? Tigers?  There are lots of possibilities here.  And how do you make Lynx plural anyway?  Lynx?  Lynxes?  Lynxi?  It is actually very hard to cheer for the PCMS bball team using their mascot.  "Go Lynx!"  "Come on Lynx!"  It just sounds weird.  So let's focus on the PCMS part.
P: Jake plays on the 7th grade basketball team.  He plays with lots of his friends, which is really fun, and the coach is his favorite teacher (Mr. Miller).
CCourt time was different than Rec. basketball.  There is no fairness considered.  Jake still played a lot of the time, especially considering there were 13 boys on the team,  and did great!
M: Jake made the team after 3 days of try-outs.  Marvelously done.
S: The sweat suit (how sweet does that sound?) was pretty cool.  He got to wear it to school on game days.  Nothing makes you feel more excited to be on a team than wearing matching sweat suits with only 12 other boys in the school.
 Well done, #31!