Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lynx bball

What the heck is a lynx?
Thank you, Wikipedia

I figured it was in the cat family, but why not be the Wildcats?  Jaguars?  Panthers?  Cougars? Tigers?  There are lots of possibilities here.  And how do you make Lynx plural anyway?  Lynx?  Lynxes?  Lynxi?  It is actually very hard to cheer for the PCMS bball team using their mascot.  "Go Lynx!"  "Come on Lynx!"  It just sounds weird.  So let's focus on the PCMS part.
P: Jake plays on the 7th grade basketball team.  He plays with lots of his friends, which is really fun, and the coach is his favorite teacher (Mr. Miller).
CCourt time was different than Rec. basketball.  There is no fairness considered.  Jake still played a lot of the time, especially considering there were 13 boys on the team,  and did great!
M: Jake made the team after 3 days of try-outs.  Marvelously done.
S: The sweat suit (how sweet does that sound?) was pretty cool.  He got to wear it to school on game days.  Nothing makes you feel more excited to be on a team than wearing matching sweat suits with only 12 other boys in the school.
 Well done, #31!


  1. So cool! Way to go Jake!
    But whats up with the no smiling in the picture? Is that more cool?

  2. Way to go Jake! But I totally cracked up at the first picture...none of the boys are smiling...they are happy to be on the team, right?! :)
