Saturday, August 16, 2014


It was our first ward campout since the one we were in charge of back in 2006!  We had a blast.  The weather was perfect and the company was even better.  We liked it so much that it will most likely become a family tradition.  Things to remember for next year:
The kids and the waterslide are a huge hit.  A mom on the waterslide took a huge hit and should never again participate in waterslide activities, no matter how hot it is.

Skip the small Scout tent as Jake and Wyatt preferred to sleep under the stars.  Get a big family tent so the rest of us don't have to be separated.  (Although if we do split up in two tents, be sure that Drew and Steve are in the same one again!)

Don't worry about bringing someone so little like Drew.  He got all of the attention!

 Make sure baby Benjamin brings this stroller, even if he has outgrown it!  It provided a LOT of entertainment for all the boys.

 Our family
 and our ward family 
made it one memorable weekend!

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