before and after school |
The day I worried about most...turned out pretty okay. We all survived. I mean our whole plan for Jake's BYU t-shirt to win him over some friends today didn't work. That was a little bit disappointing and frustrating. No one said anything to him or started singing "I am a Child of God" or anything, and he ate lunch by himself! :( So did Emmy. :( Ali, however, met a very nice group of girls who made room for her at the lunch table. (Thank you forever to Mrs. Buttafoco who placed Ali right between two girls--Maggie and Celeste--that have been friends since birth. It totally worked!)
Steve, Drew, and I just sat around, mostly in the car, looked at our watch, and waited and wondered. Wondered and waited.
before and after school |
I literally felt like if these kids could conquer this extremely difficult and uncomfortable day, they could do anything! And conquer they did. They came out smiling, all in one piece, and ready to go back the next day. Amador Valley High School and Alisal Elementary School are lucky to have you!
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