June 5--Steve interviewed with Curbside in Palo Alto after an initial phone interview.
(Jill--Why are you doing that? We aren't ever moving back there.
Steve--After going to the temple: I have the impression that life may mean more than Issaquah for us)
July 17--An offer from Curbside
July 20-25--Steve (and Jake) gone on 50 miler; contemplates the offer
July 27--Steve accepts the offer, details (like start date to be worked out during the week)
July 31--After toying with the idea of Steve commuting back and forth (and after Curbside not liking that idea), we decide to go for it and jump in with both feet to get to CA by the first day of school, which is 3 weeks and 4 days away.
August 2--We start telling people that we are moving after church. Later that night, Steve sends an email to the ward council.
August 3-9--We go to Sunnyside
August 7-9--Steve and Jill go to California to look for a house. Palo Alto, Cupertino, Fremont all a bust on Friday and Saturday. Sunday we decide on Pleasanton and attend a couple wards (Pleasanton 1st and Pleasanton 4th)
August 13-15 Seawheeze Half Marathon in Vancouver; Dave and Diane come to stay with the kids
August 16--Jake's Court of Honor
August 17-22--Sort through boxes and shelves and decide what to take, what to store, and what to give away and throw away. The night of the 22nd is the going away party at the Dayley's.
August 23--Steve is released as Bishop (called May 2014), which we also wasn't sure was going to happen in this short amount of time.
August 24--We register kids for school and check into the Pleasanton Residence Inn.
August 25--First day of school
August 26--Steve goes back to Issaquah to meet the packing truck and team
August 29--Steve returns to Pleasanton
August 30--first day in our new ward
Sept 1--Moving truck arrives to 4851 Black Ave.
Sept. 7--First night in our rental house. Good-bye hotel.
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