3 weeks ago, I had a birthday and turned 9. For my birthday
I received a chromebook. I love my chromebook because it’s nice to have my own
computer and I can write stories or search stuff to help me in school.
There are some applications and programs that help me do this.
However my chromebook might break, or there might be better versions or
it might need updates.
Last September, I received the gift of the Holy Ghost when I
turned 8. The Holy Ghost will never break, need an update, or need to be
repaired. However, like my chromebook, the Holy Ghost has many
applications--or apps--to help me.
In Moroni chapter 10 verse 5 Moroni tells us one app, “And by the
power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
This year the theme in primary is I Know the Scriptures are True.
I like reading the interesting stories like Ammon and King Lamoni,
and when Nephi told the people that the Chief Judge had been murdered. I
learn important things and something in my heart tells me that it’s true.
This is one of the applications (or apps) of the Holy Ghost. He is
the reason I know the scriptures are true.
Another app of the Holy Ghost is in the Doctrine and Covenants
section 8 verse 2. “Yea, behold I will tell you in your mind and in your
heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in
your heart.”
At the women's conference, the prayers made me feel special. I
felt the Holy Ghost. I felt a warm, calming feeling. When the prayer was done,
I listened to the talks a little bit. The Holy Ghost spoke to my mind and
my heart.
Other apps of the Holy Ghost are in the Primary song we’ve learned
this year, “If I Listen With My Heart”.
I feel the Holy Spirit as He teaches truth and right.
He comforts me in times of need and testifies of Christ.
He speaks to me in quiet ways that fill my soul with peace
And if I listen with my heart I hear the Savior’s Voice.
So the Apps are: teaches me truth and right, comforts me,
testifies of Christ, fills my soul with peace, and allows me to hear the
Savior’s voice.
A year ago we moved here from Washington where I was born and
lived my whole life. It was really sad for me to leave my friends and start
in a new school. I know the Holy Ghost helped me because I didn’t have a
Even though technology is super helpful, the best thing we have is
how we use the applications, or apps, of the Holy Ghost, which is a gift from
Heavenly Father who loves us.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Things I want to remember about today and Emmy’s talk in
Stake Conference.
When Pres. McFadden was going through the program and said
“next we will be pleased to hear from Sis. Emily Hoopes, a primary-aged child
[pause] of the Rising Generation,” he got all choked up. It was really touching. J
Sis. Mella, the mission president’s wife said in her talk,
“Just like we heard about the apps of the Holy Ghost…” J
Pres. McFadden in his talk referenced the story of Ammon and
King Lamoni and mentioned Emmy’s talk and how she had mentioned the same story.
Afterward, I received several texts from friends saying how
much they loved Emmy’s talk and she received so many compliments at the
church. In fact, she said, “I need
an umbrella because I’m being showered with compliments!” J
Annie Hair, 14 years old, came up to Emmy afterward and said
something like, “I just want to thank you so much for your talk! You answered a prayer for me and I am
so happy you were brave enough to give this talk. I couldn’t have done what you did. Can I give you a hug?
Thank you for answering my prayer today.” And she was teary and a bit choked up. It was really, really sweet. J
Aunt Jenny was here for it and so were Grandma Grandpa
Hoopes. J
After Conference, Steve was set apart as the 2nd
counselor in the Stake YM Presidency.
Pres. McFadden took some time and told us the back story of how Emmy was
chosen to speak. To summarize:
He had asked Diane Ferrari, Stake Primary president, to
submit a few names of children who could speak at Stake Conference. One
Sunday, before he'd heard back from her, he had 10-15 minutes of free
time so he went to our ward's Primary. He sat in the primary room with
the younger kids and then asked Marianne Bird where the 9-10 year old classes
met. She told him and in a few minutes, he ended up in Emmy’s
class. He just sat and observed for a few minutes, with poor Sis. Capuano
wondering what the heck he was doing in there!! Then he asked Sis.
Capuano to come speak to him in the hallway for a minute. He asked her
“who in your primary class could speak at Stake Conference? “ She said, “Any of
them could do it.” “But Sis. Capuano,” he said, “I need you to narrow it
down. Who is the first name that comes to mind?” She replied, “Emmy
Hoopes.” They went back in the classroom and he observed a few more
minutes until it was confirmed to him that Emmy was supposed to be the
speaker. J
Pres. McFadden also said, “Emmy’s talk will be talked about
for years with the apps of the Holy Ghost.”
On a side note, after Steve was set apart (in the circle: Pres.
McFadden, Pres. Tang, Pres. Hair, Wayne Bishop, and Aaron Merrill), Pres.
McFadden shared two impressions he had.
One, “take care of Jill.” The other, “get to know the young men one by
one. It’s a Stake calling so it
seems vast and wide, but do your calling on a one-on-one, individual
Steve responded with, “The impression I had was to get to
know the names of the young men, so it goes right along with your impression
which makes me glad.”
Pres. McFadden got tears in his eyes again and nodded his
head and shook Steve’s hand.
spiritual high of sorts. So
grateful for it.
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