Thursday, May 15, 2014

Drew's jambas

Drew loves jambas.   When we drive into the Fred Meyer parking lot, he starts saying, "Jamba."  He knows the route well.  However, we actually make most of our jambas at home.  Drew loves to help and I'm not really sure which he likes more--drinking the jambas or just making them.

This is how Drew makes a jamba.  First, he helps get the ice.

Then I peel the bananas and he puts them in, but first he takes a bit out of each end.

Then I wash the strawberries, cut off the stems, and hand them to Drew.  After taking a bite of each one, he puts them in the blender, too.

When it's time for the frozen yogurt, he reaches up for a bowl and opens the drawer for a spoon.  This is his way of saying he wants his own fro-yo in a bowl.
Before I turn on the blender, he covers his ears because it's going to be loud.  I always ask him if he wants to press the button.  His answer is always, "No.  Mama."  We blend, we drink, and we enjoy!

Thanks, Drew, for reminding us to not only love the end product, but to enjoy the process!  

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little helper you have at your place!!

    Christian wants to add, "Looks like he is eating all the food before you mix it." :)
