Monday, May 5, 2014

cinco de mayo

¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo
This year might be the first year (since teaching Spanish) that I did something to commemorate cinco de mayo:  I joined a big group of girls and ran an 8k (4.97097 miles) race!  Not sure that it had anything to do with remembering Mexico's victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla, but it was a lot of fun!
The night before the race, we met at Pasta Pallino and filled up with carbs.

Race day, we drove in various carpools and met up at Mt. Si High School in Snoqualmie, where the race started and ended.
before the race
and after!
Steve and the kids surprised me and met me at the finish line.  I was so happy!  It was the last push I needed, as I thought once I made it back to the high school, the race would be over.  Nope.  Once I made it back to the high school and THEN ran once around the track, the race would be over.  I wanted to finish strong so I had kicked it up a gear, without anticipating the track's last quarter mile.  When I heard cheers and saw my family--it was all I needed.

Overall, the course was beautiful and most importantly, FLAT, which is probably why I came in 3rd in my age group (barely squeaking in to the 35-39 group).  Two young whipper snappers at the age of 35 took the top 2 spots.   Below is my own race record--it isn't official with a few extra steps before and after the race, but it's proof of our cinco de mayo celebration!


  1. Looks like fun Jill...and I rarely say that running looks like fun! :) And way to go on a great time!

  2. 3rd in your age group?!! That is awesome!!! And I love that Steve surprised you at the finish line!!
