Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween in '16

 Still LOVING the Halloween parade at the Elementary School!!
 Emmy was not impressed with our Halloween decorations so she took the matter into her own hands and made some herself!

 Drew was super happy about his fireman costume, including his fireman (jammies) pants that were his idea.
 Besides Jake working at State Farm and Drew being a fireman, the rest of us will never be what we are tonight (the girl with straight hair, doctor, nerd, YouTube).

 First stop:  Peggy and Rich's!
 Sorting it out at the end of the night!
 Look who came to see us!
 Not too bad
 Hoopes candy store

blog mush

Watching General Conference together--for a few minutes anyway.
Celebrating Ruby's 16th birthday
After 15 years of upholding a no-characters-on-shoes rule, I resigned to Drew's wishes and he is now the proud and very happy owner of Lightening McQueen light up shoes.

Being so calm, cool, and collected for a cleaning.
Trying out the costume.  He loves it!

Sunday, October 30, 2016