Saturday, January 31, 2015

blog mush

I love moments like these..

and these--estudiando con amigos.

Some of Ali's recent drawings.
 Girl power for sure!

We got serious about our sweeping.

And Emmy finally has a pet mouse, straight from our garage.
Meet Freckle and then say good-bye to him.  Steve and Emmy took him for a ride down to the fields and let the cute little rodent free.  ('cause that's what kind of dad Steve is).  Emmy was super excited about the whole thing and Steve won major parent points.  She tells her friends that her pet lives in the forest by our house.  She can't really go visit him, but she still feels ownership.  That is my kind of pet. ;)  And I get no parent points for that.  

eagles here and eagles there

Sunday, January 24th we drove on over to Yakima for Coby's Eagle Court of Honor.  Well done, Coby!!
It was also the last time we will see Lon for a very long time.  He has to go back to the Philippines, but hopes to return soon.  We are really going to miss him.  Like a lot.
Saturday, January 31st Jake set up a table at the Issaquah Little League Skills Evaluations and sold First Aid kits to raise money for a scoreboard at Tibbetts Field.  He did awesome.  He was there for 5 hours, talking to people and asking them if they would donate.  Not an easy thing to do!  But he did great and members of his Troop gladly helped out.  He reached his goal of $4000, and any extra money he earns from the vast amount of First Aid kits we still have (oops--way to go, Mom) will be donated to the City of Issaquah to help with the installation which they are now going to do on their own. (yay!!)
This is some pretty exciting stuff!! 
 It is a blessing to see boys SOAR.

Friday, January 16, 2015


We had places to go...
and people to see.
Such a great trip!!  
(At least for me.  Steve had to work all day every day!)
Seeing old friends and such cool places was the icing on the (cup)cake!

Saturday, January 10, 2015


2 brothers and 1 sis-in-law plus
2 hours before game time plus
4 touch downs plus
3 points for a field goal 
(And #3 for our favorite player shown here--Russell Wilson) equals... 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

a smashing new year

It was fun to make them.
It was more fun to eat the them.
But it was the MOST fun to drop them from the balcony...
and smash them.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

happy new year

2015 here we come!!

A beautiful and sunny day
to start the new year.
What will it bring?
We'll record it right here.
2015, we're ready for you!