Thursday, January 23, 2014


Steve spent 6 days and 5 nights (but who was counting??) in the Middle of Nowhere, Nevada over a long holiday weekend (MLK, but again--who's keeping track??) with 3 of his brothers and his dad.
I was not very happy about it.  He was leaving us for almost a week, over a long holiday weekend (did I mention that?), just so he could shoot guns.  (He liked to call it home protection training).

However, I started feeling better about the whole thing once his mom accepted our invitation to come to Issaquah and hang out with us during those 6 days and 5 nights (or however long he was gone).
And I really felt better about it when Steve got home and showed me his target practice at the end of his training.  They had to write a loved one's name on the front body, and then shoot the two shadowed people who were holding the loved one hostage.  I was really impressed!  I am in good hands.  Well done, Steve!