Monday, April 14, 2014

spring break!

Spring Break!

We went to the movies, had a Hoopes girls' night at Panera, swam at an awesome indoor pool with friends (Lynnwood pool), went to the zoo with cousins, played at the park, had friends over, went to a movie night, played outside some more, and topped it off with a trip to Leavenworth and some serious yard work over the weekend.

However, I only have proof of the trip to Leavenworth. 
We ate a picnic lunch at the park, ice cream on the streets, and some Bavarian specialities (bratwurst and pretzels) in the town.  When we finished in Leavenworth, we drove to Wenatchee to eat dinner at the famous Cafe Rio before heading home.

Between eating, we got in some great walking on the trails,

some rock-throwing in the water,

you know...just a little bit of this and that.

Our little trip was one of the highs of Spring break!
We can't wait until Summer!

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