Tuesday, December 30, 2014

blog mush

 Drew likes to be "nakey pants for five minutes" before getting dressed for the day or getting his jammies on at night.  It's a Hoopes thing.
 cute cousins at Grandma's
 Flashback to 5th grade graduation,  June 2012.
 Playing cars and making "traffic" for Drew's FHE activity.
 Flashback to Ali making shrinky dinks.
 Drew playing with his new monster trucks from Rylee on the way home from Grandma's.
 More flashbacks from home--Christmas 1990 and 1976--wish I still had that Santa sweatshirt.  And the turtleneck.  
 Drew is in love with the Santa hat.  The nametag is from the guys at the Costco Tire Center.  Since Drew and I are there about once a week watching the tires go on and off, they made him an honorary employee with an official nametag.  How nice is that?!
A perfect morning in my book.  Steve and the kids stopped by the gym to get our jamba juice gift card (thanks Aunt Jenny!) after playing some basketball at the church.  When the teacher saw Steve, she told him to stay and finish the workout.  He brought everyone in--Jake worked out with us while the three littles played in the playroom.  Then we ALL went to Jamba.  Doesn't get much better than that.


  1. That has to be the cutest thing ever. Love that he has a nametag at costco. What a little stud

  2. How kind of those Costco tire center employees! Yea for Drew!
