Friday, December 25, 2015


The line up and first moments downstairs...
Smiles, surprises, and a whole lot of wrapping paper!
 Plus some presents that weren't exactly asked for, but Santa thought was needed.
(the bikes, not the Xbox One)
 It was a Christmas unlike any other that we can remember anyway.  We stayed at home all day (in pajamas until Steve, Jake and Ali went to Star Wars--they actually got dressed!), and it was really nice.  Grandma and Grandpa Hoopes stopped by in the afternoon and that was fun!  I had planned to have a baked potato bar for dinner and two minutes before the potatoes were done, there was a knock on the door.  We opened it to find our neighbor, Rich, asking us if we would like some prime rib for dinner.  SERIOUSLY??!!  We said we'd love some, and it was delicious and perfect!  Our baked potato bar turned out to be more of a FEAST than we had anticipated.  A Christmas blessing for sure!


  1. Yay for being all caught up on your blog! And yay for a wonderful Christmas! And yay plus yum for awesome neighbors!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry Jill, it posted my same comment twice. I tried to delete it, but I don't think it worked. Anyway, just wanted to explain...:)
