Thursday, November 20, 2014


I used to be Ty Detmer's biggest fan.  Recently, I found a sweatshirt I made in high school the year he won the Heisman Trophy (1990).  Yes, I actually wore it and yes, I really did think it was cool.  Thank goodness for the rad store at the mall who would iron on letters and stuff.
Because of this love for Ty, it's not surprising that I have all of his books, all of his posters, and many newspaper articles about him.  However, I have been the recipient of some very kind and selfless generosi-TY over the years, and these are the highlights of my Ty collection.
The year Ty won the Heisman, my mom asked the owner of her hair salon if she could have the Sports Illustrated from the waiting room table.  She stuck it in my stocking for Christmas.  Best present ever.
At BYU, my roommate somehow got a hold of Ty's wedding announcement (which he autographed), and gave it to me.  Seriously?!  How did she do it?!?  Especially since it was a year old--vintage!!
Most recently, some good friends of ours gave me this awesome Collector's Card of Ty Detmer. They just said something like, "thanks for being nice."  This is way too much of a reward for being nice.  This is a treasure!
So to those who have been so generous, I say a very big
Thank You.


  1. I once saw him at church in a sacrament meeting in New Jersey :)

  2. Did not know about your Ty collection...those are some priceless, awesome treasures!! Remember the Ty Detmer Heisman song? I can't find it on YouTube or anywhere, I wanted to play it for my kids, so instead I had to sing it to them! :)
