Thursday, March 12, 2015

it was written

From Mr. Meyers, Jake's Science teacher:

Mr. & Mrs. Hoopes:
Not to worry - it's a good e-mail.  Sixth period is a problematic mix of students and often a bit of a classroom management challenge.  Jake is definitely not a classroom management problem.  In fact, Jake does a great job of focusing, not being a part of the problem and helps to make my job easier in 6th period.  He is insightful, mature and a great addition to the class.

I don't always have the time in that class to give props to kids in that class who are always doing the right thing, so I thought I'd pass along the message so that you could do it for me.

Mark Meyers

From Ali's teacher, Ms. Luci:

Ali Hoopes you are a Great Kid.  Ali, you are a thoughtful, caring, beautiful soul.  You are a great friend and a wonderful calssmate.  Your friends are lucky to have you in their lives.  They know they can always count on you and so can I.  Additionally, you work hard and I really like to see you keep trying.  Push yourself on the things you want to improve on and keep on keeping on.  I look forward to watching you grow.  You will be successful in middle school, high chool, and beyond.  Your friends will be strong and important to you and you to them.  Keep that smile; it warms my heart.

From Emmy's teacher, Mrs. Hawkes:

The Great Kid in our classroom this week is Emmy.  Emmy is happy, helpful, and a kind student.  Emmy is always trying her hardest and doing her best work in class.  Many students in our class already see Emmy as a good friend to ask if they have questions or need help.  Emmy is a role model in our class and is always asking questions and offering her wonderful ideas during lessons.  I'm so happy to have this student in my class and proud of her hard work!  Great job, Emmy.  Keep it up!

From Jim Feltis, the Deacon's quorum advisor (Jake is a Teacher so wasn't in the class):

I was teaching a Deacons quorum priesthood lesson a couple of months ago, and asked the question "Have you ever known anyone who treats everyone well, doesn't play favorites, etc.?" I didn't have anyone in mind when I asked the question, but the question fit the subject of the lesson and I wanted to see what they would say and describe. One of the boys raised his hand and said "Jake Hoopes is like that. He treats everyone nicely whether he has known you a long time or just met you."  

We went on to discuss that if something negative does happen to Jake that he seems to be able to push through and brush it off and probably forgive the other person, i.e. he doesn't seem to hold destructive grudges. We also discussed how easy it is for kids like Jake who are athletically gifted to only want to hang out with other athletes/jocks; i.e. people often default to only socializing with others exactly like them. Jake doesn't do that.

Anyway, I thought I should share that with you.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty awesome words right there. And very much deserved.
