Sunday, March 3, 2013

11 months

Drew is 11 months old today!  How we got here so fast, nobody really knows.  It seems like just yesterday I was trying to figure out our new life with 3 kids and a baby.
We adore Drew.  We love watching him learn new things.  Here is an up-to-date list of his skills:
vocabulary/sounds: mama, dada, uh oh, baba, nana, squeals, grunts

antics/performance: waves bye-bye, stands alone, gives kisses (slobbery, open-mouthed ones), dances, splashes, imitates your cough, claps, plays peek-a-boo with his blankie

food preferences: goldfish (a new favorite), cheerios, banana rice snacks, green beans, bananas, yogurt bites and he likes his baby food now and then--depends on the day.
  We are grateful for you, Drew!


  1. So stinkin' cute! Glad to see he got some curly hair... so he can fit in! :)

  2. oh man, he is such a cute kid!! hope everything is going well, so sorry to miss you in CO, especially when i said i was "totally open"!!
